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“My presentation didn’t work, no one paid attention.”

Updated: Jul 10

no one paid attention

Unfortunately, we may have all felt this at one time or another.  Why didn’t anyone pay attention if it was such a great topic that they all need to know?

This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. Unclear messaging – your audience either can’t follow your storyline, they don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish or what you want from them at the end of the presentation.

  2. Overly complex visuals – more isn’t always more. We can all fall in this trap but keeping it simple can deliver more of a message than crowding the slide.

  3. Lack of audience engagement techniques – no one wants to hear you talk for more than 10 minutes at a time. Group and individual activities will break up the time and make it more engaging for your audience so they can better absorb your messaging. Generally, your audience should be ‘doing something’ for 85% of the time, you should be talking for 15% of the time (and not all at once!). 

If you're getting the feeling that no one paid attention to your last presentation, let’s talk.


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