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“What’s the plan?”

planning for the week ahead

I heard this my whole life, and I drive my kids crazy with the same question. Always have a plan.

Listen, I love Sundays, like anyone else, but I also run my own business. This means always balancing work and family, even on the weekends.

So, when I’m not engaging with clients, I spend my Sunday mornings planning and ask myself: “What do I want to accomplish this week?”

Here’s what I do in an hour:

1.     LINKEDIN (30 min)

  • Comment on other people’s posts to increase engagement and reach

  • Read the articles I’ve saved during the week about presentation design for tips

  • Craft the week’s posts, I post 2x a week on the same days and times

  • Identify people I want to reach out to and follow up with on Monday

2.     DEVELOP SKILLS (30 min)

  • Practice new designs

  • Play with a new portfolio idea

  • Try out the videos I saved on Instagram about presentation design

3.     CALENDAR (15 min)

  • Work calendar

    • What needs to be done before a project deadline

    • What prep do I need to do before a meeting

    • Who do I need to follow up with

  • Personal calendar: block the time needed between meetings

4.     CLIENTS/PROJECTS (15 min)

  • Review my list of recent conversations with potential clients

  • Identify who to follow up with to move to the next stage

  • Schedule when I’ll follow up again, decide which ones may not materialize

  • I review my weekly and monthly goals and consider which activities will help me reach them. 

These activities help me approach the upcoming week with confidence and a clear plan for building the business. Although setting short- and long-term goals is essential, I find that focusing on weekly goals and creating a structured plan makes the tasks feel more manageable and achievable.


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